How much telephoto do you need? Get ready for a Super-zoom Smack Down!

How much telephoto do you need? Get ready for a Super-zoom Smack Down!

The idea of a point and shoot that can take great telephoto images is really appealing. But over the years I’ve been underwhelmed by their performance. I’m a much bigger fan of no compromise models like the , which offer excellent images over a limited zoom range than of the super-zooms I’ve reviews, like the Canon SX240. But kind words about the new by my friend and former editor to take another look. The competes directly with the new , so I decided to do a real hands-on field test of both of them. Of course I couldn’t leave well enough alone, so we’ve decided to go all the way, pitting the SX260 and S9300 (unfairly) against a paired with the Sigma DSLR super-zoom lens the , and against the full-frame Nikon D700 with Nikon’s flagship 200-400mm f/4 VR pro lens. So for the next month here at Cardinal Photo we’ll be shooting with all four cameras and taking careful notes…

Obviously part of the face-off is a bit tongue-in-cheek. We really don’t expect $300 cigarette-pack sized point and shoots to get the same images as a $10,000 DSLR setup, of course, but it’ll be interesting to see how far they’ve come and where the tradeoffs are. Similarly, I was never a fan of 10x zooms for DSLRs until I shot with the Sigma 50-500 and got some very nice images. So I want to throw it into the mix, since it may represent one of the best all-around choices for a “one size fits all” safari lens on the market.

Our extravaganza will build-up to June 7th, when I’m lead a photo walk at the Bronx Zoo for B&H Photo. It’ll be a great time to get the cameras working on some moderately wild critters (I’m not counting on the super-zooms for much in terms of tracking any fast action). If you can join us on June 7th, stay tuned for the event details from B&H, but in any case you can benefit from our camera shoot-out over the next month. Let us know if you have any specific comments on our test models or questions you’d like us to answer! – David