Submitted by David Cardinal on Wed, 09/12/2012 - 08:31
The well-liked “missing manual” series has finally tackled Photoshop, and the result is quite a magnum opus. I’ve never seen so much information about Photoshop packed into a single volume. At 862 pages it may be a little daunting, but it is well-organized, colorfully-laid-out and has an excellent index. As someone who has watched with dismay as the documentation provided with Photoshop decreases and its complexity and price grows, this book is very much needed.
’s strength is its broad coverage of Photoshop, and its appeal to all levels of users. There is a soup to nuts treatment of almost every aspect of the program, starting with the very basics of each piece – from opening images to using layers. That breadth is also the source of the book’s biggest shortcoming, that in trying to be all things to all people it risks not being ideal for anyone.
Submitted by David Cardinal on Sun, 09/09/2012 - 17:29
Submitted by David Cardinal on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 09:41
You've always been able to show off your ProShow slideshows on your iPhone and iPad (or any other mobile device), but now thanks to a new application from our partner Photodex, you can create them on your iOS device as well. ProShow Web for iOS has plenty of built-in features, including effects, themes and transitions, and integrates with popular online sharing sites including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. I haven't had a chance to try it yet and will write more about it when I do, but in the meantime you can read all the details below...
Submitted by David Cardinal on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 10:48
B&H are offering a pretty amazing deal on a Nikon D7000 plus Nikon 18-200mm VR II lens. The . That's just about the same price as the D7000 would normally be with a kit lens, and you're getting a state of the art all-in-one zoom, probably the single best lens ever for DX format cameras. If I didn't already own a D7000 and 18-200mm lens, I'd certainly be! |
Unless you make a lot of money with your mid-range zoom lens, or are willing to spend what it takes to get the best, $1900 for the 2 pound is a hard price to justify. For that price, you get an ultra-sharp, ultra-fast, lens, but you don’t even get VR. I’ve enjoyed using Sigma’s version, the . It is much less expensive, but not as solidly built and also isn’t stabilized. Until now there hasn’t been a value-priced version of a 24-70 f/2.8 that could measure up to the Nikon. That’s why I was excited to work with the new , which not only featured a fast focus motor but unique among mid-range pro zooms, also has image stabilization….
The Achilles heel of smartphones as an all-around tool for photographers is their universally mediocre battery life.
I was fortunate enough to be able to shoot with a on my recent Alaska photo safaris. It was a blast, and allowed me to get some great images that I probably wouldn’t have gotten with previous DSLRs – especially those requiring High ISO shooting. It gave me the chance to reflect back on the last 12 years of my photography of bears in Alaska, starting with film and progressing through the D1 and nearly every other Nikon DSLR since. I put my thoughts together in an .
I’m really happy to say that I’ll be leading a photo walk for B&H through the Bronx Zoo in New York on Thursday, June 7th. The event is free, but you do need to pay for your Zoo admission. For those of you in or around the New York area its about the easiest way to get some practice in on your wildlife photography. Open to photographers of all ages and all amounts of gear! You can . Lorrie and I hope to see you there!
Submitted by David Cardinal on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 09:15
Regular readers will know that I love getting canvases printed by . They do a great job, and provide awesome customer service. However, they're not cheap, so I periodically get asked about a less expensive alternative for when ultimate quality isn't needed. I've finally found one, , who is running a large , with discounts and 2 for 1 pricing. I did a test print and din't get the same tonal range as with COD, but their prices are meaningfully lower and the quality is certainly very acceptable. [NOTE: I don't have any financial relationship with either company]. For the curious, I don't print canvases much myself because...

Okay, they’re not really called “dork lights.” They’re headlamps, but it’s hard to deny that they make you look a bit like a dork. However, they’re invaluable, so for my contribution to Chris Gampat’s piece on the B&H blog on the most interesting and useful accessory in my camera bag, the choice was a no brainer. You can , including some other great recommendations, and when you’re convinced you can buy yourself the cat’s meow of photographers’ headlamps, the – it features a retractable cord, multiple brightness levels, and both white and red LEDs for regular and night vision use.
Submitted by David Cardinal on Sat, 03/24/2012 - 14:53
The set the all time record score of 95 on its DxOMark tests, eclipsing the previous "king for 3 days," the . In short, purchasers of either camera are likely to be delighted with the images they get. Of course there is more to a camera than just the image quality, but if you'd like to read up on all the scores of the D800 and the D4 you can head over to the You can from B&H, or the .
Adobe has released Lightroom 4, and it will be shipping from B&H starting tomorrow, so you can order your copy today.
Submitted by David Cardinal on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 11:30
When a war correspondent fudges an image there is no question that it is a problem for them, and for their news organization. And when a nature photographer fibs about a contest image, as happened with the “Wildlife photographer of the year” that’s a known bad thing. So too when photos in National Geographic or other nature magazines have been fudged to distort reality. This week though, truth in bird photos has reached a new zenith…